Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Measureable Wellness - Step 6 - Why Those Calories Matter

 It's time to learn about calories. We have talked about them, made a list with them & calculated them... but what is a calorie exactly? I find it hard to explain, but this sums it up nicely!

"... A calorie is a way to measure energy, so calories represent units of energy. Food is vital to providing the body energy for functions such as breathing and physical activity. You get calories from essential macronutrients like protein, carbohydrates and fat. While some foods such as vegetables provide few calories, others like ice cream provide many calories. Carbohydrates and protein provide 4 calories per gram, while fat contains 9 calories per gram." - Janet Renee, Definition of Calories in Food

As you have been following the steps towards achieving your Health & Wellness Goals, you have:
  • Made a list of your personal goals.
  • Educated yourself on your BMI.
  • Studied water consumption importance.
  • Calculated your BMR.
  • Learned about your caloric intake.
So why is this important? Why do calories matter? Because learning to adjust your weight is as easy as learning to adjust your calories. If you want to lose (or gain!) 1lb a week, here's how to adjust those calories:

What to know...
3500 CALORIES = 1 LB
*To lose 1-lb per week, you would need an approximate 500 calorie deficit from your suggested BMR per day. I break it down between calories in & calories out, such as 250 calories less energy (food calories) + 250 calories more energy burned (physical activity)

A 40 Year Old Woman, 150-lb with a BMR of 1434

This woman, to maintain her weight of 150-lb., has a BMR of 1434. Any additional activity in her day would lead to calories burned. If she is to lose weight, she could go down to a caloric intake of around 1200 calories and increase physical activity an additional 250 calories burned (or a 45 minute of yard work!). That would give her that 500 calorie deficit she needs!

Looking to gain weight? Just reverse... Increase calories & decrease physical activity (though I would just keep increasing those calories in!)

When you wrote down your calorie intake for 5 days, how close were you to your estimated BMR? How many calories do you need to add/lose in order to get to that BMR? That should be your first step into the right direction. Trying to lose weight and eating consistently over those calories wont get you too far. And you cant just exercise yourself to healthy... It takes both healthy eating & exercising to get to a healthier you!

What steps can you begin making NOW to reach those goal. If you have yet to write down your 5 days of Food & Calories, do it NOW! Accountability starts with knowing. don't have to eat less, just cleaner & healthier! Eat REAL food, not processed junk! No fast foods! More fruits & veggies and less meats!

Start with these rules and you can begin to see a difference in less than a week. You will also see a difference in your energy level, your attitude and your sleep! What are you waiting for?

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