Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Measurable Wellness - Step 1 - What are YOU waiting for...It Starts Here.

 Start now!:

"There are so many "diets" out there. Paleo, Atkin's, South Beach - Which one should I try?
"What about clean eating?"
"Should I juice? What about smoothies?"
"What are chia & flax seeds and why should I try them??"
"Where do I start??"

Sound familiar to you? You know you need to do something - change something- but WHAT do you do? What do you CHANGE? It ends up so confusing that you simply give in... to another bag of chips while watching your favorite television show, sitting on the couch.

So called "diets" may work. Some will work temporarily and a couple may have some lasting affects on you. But I'm not here to go over diets, or which one will and will not work - I'm here to help YOU learn what you need to be successful at your own health & wellness goals.

First of all... Eating healthy doesn't mean you have to eat trendy. I definitely recommend trying new and different foods and recipes, but that doesn't mean you have to give up everything you enjoy or follow strict recipes with crazy or bland foods.

Next... You don't have to be 'skinny' to be healthy. Being healthy isn't about the shape of your body. Being healthy is about making the most of YOUR body shape.
 So let's define some words-
Health:the state of being free from illness or injury
Wellness: the state or condition of being in good physical and mental health.

For me, my health & wellness are very important to me. I want to have the most energy now that I possibly can. I want to grow older and always be able to take care of myself, as well as my husband. I want to be able to play with my grandchildren (Hopefully MUCH later down the road:)

So... "Where do I start?"

Here is your starting point. Nothing too big but I really want you to take the next 24 hours and think about this question:

What are YOUR health & wellness goals?

Don't just think about it... Write it down! Make a list - short or long. This is YOUR first step.

Now I'm off to write mine....

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